Denim Day at CAWLS

CAWLS staff chose to acknowledge Denim Day 2020 by making a social statement with their fashion statements to support survivors of sexual abuse and assault 👖 What is Denim Day? The Denim Day story begins in Italy in 1992, when an 18-year old girl was raped by the 45-year old driving instructor who was taking…

Denim Day 2020

There is NO excuse and NEVER an invitation to harass, abuse or assault, rape ❌ Stand with survivors 🙏❤️ Join the Central Australian Women’s Legal Service team today & wear jeans with a purpose for ‘Denim Day’ 👖

COVID-19 and Australian LGBTIQ+ Communities

Equality Australia assembled a roundtable to open the conversation about the specific issues facing LGBTIQ+ people in Australia due to COVID-19 🏳️‍🌈 “The family home can be a hostile and unsafe place for same-sex attracted or gender questioning young people. Without the ability to escape to a school environment, or to welcoming friends or other family…