I don’t live now. I exist.

⚠️ Content Warning: This post relates to domestic violence and harm to children… 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ ‘I don’t live now. I exist’ are sentiments heard too frequently in the domestic violence and family law space. There is still a long way to go to ensure that our family law courts and trauma informed and responsive to the…

MacYouth Domestic & Family Violence Awareness Training

CAWLS Lawyers, Dotti & Jules, were delighted to contribute to the annual ‘MacYouth Conference’, which brought together youth workers from across the MacDonnell Regional Shire. Covering the challenging topic of identifying and responding to family violence, the conference was a great opportunity to share learnings and tackle some difficult case studies 🗣️ ℹ️ CAWLS regularly…

International Day of Tolerance

🗣️ ‘People are naturally diverse; only tolerance can ensure the survival of mixed communities in every region of the globe’ Today is the United Nation’s International Day of Tolerance 🌏 ℹ️ “Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich variety of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human”. CAWLS is…

Phone Outage, Thursday 12 November 2020

⚠️ CAWLS are currently experiencing technical difficulties, due to an unexplained outage ⚠️ Should you call our office, the line will take you directly to a voicemail. If your matter is not urgent, please leave a message and our team will call you back when possible. If you need urgent assistance, please contact NT Police,…

Remembrance Day

Today is Remembrance Day. A time to observe the memory of those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts. CAWLS specifically remembers and thanks the women who have – and still – give their lives to protect us all 🙏 The iconic recruitment poster shown below was created and aimed at women…

Hot Days in Alice Springs

Today is shaping up to be another hot day in Alice Springs! ☀️ CAWLS would like to everyone to stay in the shade and keep up their fluids, as we reach 40c + degrees this week 🥵 👋 Are you out and about in this heat and need some legal advice? Come by our office…

Upskilling CAWLS Staff

CAWLS are committed to continually upskilling our staff. Earlier this month, Junior Solicitors, Machiko & Jordan, attended 4WD training in breath-taking red sand country 🚗💨 Both learned how to safely manoeuvre 4WD utes on unsealed roads and stop abruptly if necessary ⚠️ The one major lesson learnt was to slow down. Our staff travel on…

Love Bites Training

This week, CAWLS Lawyers, Sarah, Chloe & Jules, trained to be NAPCAN Love Bites facilitators 📖 The Love Bites program is an innovative and interactive way to engage young people in conversations about healthy relationships ❤️ The program covers a wide range of topics including family violence, sexual assault and consent as well as active…

Doin’ it for the girls

It’s really important for us to sit back and acknowledge why we do what we do… We are out here, doing it for the girls. For those struggling. For those who need a voice. For those who have been fighting alone. For those who just need someone to stand in their corner with them. We…