What is Migration Law?

Migration Law regulates rights around people entering and remaining in Australia. There are special requirements about giving Migration Law advice – we strongly recommend seeing a migration lawyer or a registered migration agent.

Some examples of Migration Law matters include questions about a visa, changes to family circumstances, and impacts of domestic, family and sexual violence.

Temporary Visa Holders Experiencing Violence Pilot

Top End Women’s Legal Service (TEWLS) is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Social Services to support people identifying as women in the Northern Territory with Migration Law.

TEWLS can help people identifying as women in the Northern Territory who –

  • Hold a temporary visa or have no visa; AND
  • Are escaping a violent relationship (experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence).

Contact TEWLS by email to admin@tewls.org.au or phone on (08) 8982 3000.

More information can be found HERE