POSITIONS VACANT | Multiple Vacancies

🔎 Central Australian Women’s Legal Service provides legal services for all women in Central Australia and Barkly region with offices in Alice Springs and Tennant Creek. At CAWLS, we are committed to providing representation and excellent outcomes for our clients through law reform, legal advice and representation, community legal education and outreach. Our staff are…

Equal Shared Parental Responsibility (ESPR)

CAWLS strongly supports the introduction of a bill to remove the presumption of equal shared parental responsibility (ESPR) from the Family Law Act. Experts have been advocating for the removal of the ESPR and it is time the law caught up to the nuances of domestic and family violence. An overwhelming 60-85% of matters under…

Women have lost jobs faster than men during COVID19, but are getting less assistance

New economic research emerging in the wake of COVID-19, demonstrates that women continue to suffer greater disadvantage in relation to part-time and ongoing employment opportunities due to additional caring responsibilities in the home 😔 🙅‍♀️ Further, women have not had the greater benefit of Government stimulus packages throughout this time, as funding available has disproportionately assisted male-focused…