Financial Counselling
In 2020, the Financial Counselling Foundation announced funding of 10 full-time specialist DFV financial counsellor positions around Australia, of which, CAWLS was one of the successful recipients.
This funding saw the addition of Tania Robinson, Financial Counsellor, join our team to fill this important role
Since commencing, this position has provided an essential service to women in Central Australia affected by DFV as part of our wrap around service.
In 2021-2022, the CAWLS Financial Counselling Program assisted women with a number of matters including Buy Now Pay Later schemes, car debts, personal loans, Centrelink, ATO and housing debts, utility debts, deceased estates, super applications, fines, scams and assistance with family & domestic violence grants and loans.
A note from Tania:
“As a Financial Counsellor, I can listen to your story and provide you with options and help with strategies to plan your way out of debt. Financial Counsellors help you to prioritize your debts and assist with negotiating directly with creditors with hardship variations. We are also great listeners and can provide you with non-judgemental, confidential support that can really make a difference with your money woes“.
To make an appointment with Tania, contact our office on Free Call 1800 684 055.

The Women’s Support Worker is a nonlegal position at CAWLS, assisting all women victim-survivors of domestic and family violence (DFV) and female defendants who have a history of violence perpetrated from an intimate partner relationship.
CAWLS supports female defendants by advocating, in conjunction with defence lawyers, around women’s current circumstances, their history of experiencing violence and victimisation and highlighting immediate concerns for women and their children and the impacts of current court proceedings. This includes being present and supporting women through their
court attendances, requesting court support letters from relevant services, safety and case planning around the possibility of women serving a term of imprisonment.
If you would like to access our court support worker, contact our office on Free Call 1800 684 055.

CAWLS Women’s Support Worker