⚠️ Sexual harassment can happen…
⚫ At a worker’s usual workplace
⚫ Where a worker is working remotely, including if the person’s workplace is their home
⚫ In a place where the worker is undertaking work at a different location (such as a client’s home)
⚫ Where the worker is engaging in a work-related activity such as conferences, training, work trips, work-related corporate events of if you host a work-related social activity like a Christmas party
⚫ By phone, email or online (such as through social media platforms)
🧠 Sexual harassment negatively impacts not only a person’s job satisfaction, but their self-esteem, their confidence and their overall health & wellbeing… 😔
🚫 Sexual harassment in the workplace has negative impacts on those who have directly experienced the inappropriate behaviour, as well as those who are witnesses.
⚖️ CAWLS offers support services to women who have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment in the workplace who are seeking advice… we are here to help ALL women across the Barkly & Centralian regions 🙏