Recent publications, written by or featuring the stories, staff and experiences of the Central Australian Women’s Legal Service, are available to view here:

Coercive Control, Social Entrapment and Criminalised Women
Law Society NT, Balance Edition 1.21
Written by Janet Taylor (CAWLS Managing Principal Solicitor) and Julianna Marshall (CLE & Policy Solicitor

Criminalising Coercive Control
Law Society NT, Balance Edition 4.20
Written by Janet Taylor (CAWLS Managing Principal Solicitor) and Julianna Marshall (CLE & Policy Solicitor)

Please feel free to 
contact us if you require further information or would like to discuss the themes addressed in these publications.

Recent publicly available
submissions include:

NTWLS Submission to the NT Law Reform Committee on ‘Mandatory Sentencing and Community-based Sentencing Options’