🎗️ Ochre Ribbon Week is a time to raise awareness and start the hard conversations of the devastating and unacceptable impacts domestic and family violence has on our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia.
😔 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are 32 times more likely to be hospitalised as a result of family violence and 11 times more likely to die from a violent assault than non-Indigenous women…
Let that sink in … 32 times more likely… this is beyond unacceptable 😡
⚠️ Violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women is a national emergency ⚠️
🙋 CAWLS advocate for ALL women on a daily basis and URGE everyone to help work towards ending the violence – particularly for women and children.
CAWLS will continue our work for ALL women, as we fight to break the horrific cycle of violence against women and their children in the Northern Territory ✊