Information Courtesy/Extracted from the NT Department of Trade, Business and Innovation
“Traditional Anzac Day gatherings including dawn services, national ceremonies and veterans’ marches will not go ahead this year, however Territorians can still commemorate Anzac Day safely at home.”
The Australian War Memorial will nationally televise an Anzac Day commemorative service on 25 April 2020.
The event will not be open to the public but will be broadcast live across Australia by the ABC and streamed online. The ceremony will provide an opportunity for Australians to safely pause in their homes, in honour of veterans and the Australian spirit.
The RSL encourages people to Light Up the Dawn and remember and pay respects from home on Saturday 25 April, stand at the end of your driveways, balconies, porches and front yards for a minutes silence to honour our veterans and active service people.
For further information, go to the RSL website.
In addition to the televised Australian War Memorial service and Light Up the Dawn, Territorians are encouraged to further commemorate Anzac Day by:
– tuning in to the ABC or media across the country and pause at 11am local time for a moment of personal reflection
– asking about your family’s military history:
– visit the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Australian War Memorial website or National Archives of Australia website
– access to military records are free from 21 to 26 April 2020 on ancestry.com.au
– taking a virtual tour of battle locations and other locations where Australians have served using the ‘Anzac 360’ app, download it from the Apple store or Google Play
– listening to The Last Post played on a bugle on the Anzac Day 2020 Spotify playlist
– checking in on a mate or family member, now is the perfect time to give them a call and reconnect with a veteran
– watching the Anzac Day sunrise live stream from cities all around Australia on placesofpride.awm.gov.au
For more information, go to the Australian Government Anzac Portal website.”