⚖️ Law Week is celebrated around the country from 17 – 23 May and is an important time to learn about the people who work to resolve legal queries, learn how & when the law can affect your life and stimulate discussion to help find answers to your legal questions. To celebrate Law Week 2021, the Central Australian Women’s Legal Service will be featuring some of our incredible staff and facts about women and the law you may not know…
🙋 Meet… Chloe Fragos, CAWLS Lawyer 👋
🤔 Why did you decide to become a lawyer?
🗣️ “Entering the law wasn’t always a clear cut decision for me. During my final year of high school is when I flipped from being maths and science based to studying all of the humanities. I discovered I loved reading, writing and being critical of words, systems, history and perspectives. Equally, when I started my law degree, I was still unsure whether I wanted to do the law but had a desire to keep learning and keep being critical. Again, my favourite electives were the ones where we delved into systems, law, history and structures. During university, I was often told there wasn’t room for emotions in the law and this often confused me and challenged my way of interacting with the “legal” world around me. Equally, university was a place where there were people who had very different experiences to me and my journey with education and I often had the thought – is this the “right” degree for “me”.
Since finishing the law and entering the profession, I am the biggest believer that the law is all emotion. How we decide what laws to have, the people’s stories who are in it, people’s experiences with the system and how we as professionals are motivated to respond. When people ask me should I do the law? – I now always say yes. The answer to “is the law “right” for me” – is always yes. To continue improving the law, it needs more stories of those who are in it to bring new histories, perspectives and ideas – power to emotions!” ✊