‘Solicitor’ Vacancy | Work with CAWLS

🌟 EXCITING OPPORTUNITY / VACANCY WITH CAWLS 🌟 🔎 Central Australian Women’s Legal Service is recruiting for an experienced Solicitor to provide high quality legal advice and casework to CAWLS clients, whilst enabling, educating and empowering women to better engage in the legal system, so that their rights can be considered and respected. 🟣 The…

‘Game-changing’: Aboriginal guardian to tackle child protection

“The NSW Government will appoint an independent Aboriginal children’s guardian as part of reforms to reduce the disproportionate rates of Aboriginal young people in state care.”Read the full story by ‘The Sydney Morning Herald’ ℹ➡ https://bit.ly/3ji2urk Cultural awareness is paramount in the child protection space. The Central Australian Women’s Legal Service are looking forward to…

‘Responding to Family Violence’ | FREE Training in the Barkly Region | 21 July 2020

Now accepting online registrations ▶️ https://bit.ly/2AxRKDH CAWLS welcomes service providers and individuals in the Barkly Region to join our free training seminar, to gain a deeper insight and knowledge into how to identify domestic violence and respond to disclosures of domestic violence (including referral pathways). Training DetailsDate: Tuesday 21 July 2020 Venue: Tennant Creek Women’s…