Women’s Legal Services ignored in Federal Budget

The Federal Budget has ignored an urgent call for immediate funding for specialist women’s legal services.   Chronically underfunded women’s legal services across Australia came together to collectively call for $25million in immediate funding.   ❌ There was no response.   The Central Australian Women’s Legal Service sought just a further $2.2 million dollars to…

2020 Women’s Economic Security Statement

The 2020 Women’s Economic Security Statement in a nutshell… $240 million Not on one program. Not even on one key agenda. But rather on everything from women’s safety “at home AND at work”, to cadetships, entrepreneurialism and somehow, also within all of that, “jobs creation”. Read the full story by Women’s Agenda via  ➡️ https://bit.ly/2SAhVPG

Mental Health Week | It’s ok to feel

It’s okay to feel 💜 Mental Health Week is a time to raise awareness of mental health & wellbeing in our community & to start the conversations that matter 🤝💛⁣ 🟣 Lifeline 📞 13 11 14 🟣 Beyondblue 📞 1300 224 636 🟣 Suicide Call Back Service 📞 1300 659 467 🟣 NT Mental Health Line 📞 1800 682 288

NT Youth Week with CAWLS

Earlier this year, NT Youth Week was put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic… excitingly, we are now able to celebrate our incredible Territorian young people, with the revised Youth Week underway from 26 September – 11 October 💥   Teaming up with Tangentyere, the Central Australian Women’s Legal Service team connected with local…

2020 Women’s Economic Security Statement

The Government is due to announce a new 2020 Women’s Economic Security Statement (WESS) following this week’s federal budget. The WESS provides another opportunity to critically examine the gendered impact of COVID-19 and the public health response.  Women were already responsible for a disproportionate amount of unpaid care work – invisible work underpinning our economy…

Pamper Day for Barkly Women

What does the perfect day of pampering look like…? Hair … ✅ Nails … ✅ Face Treatments … ✅ Meeting some awesome likeminded women … ✅   Join the teams from CAWLS, CAAFLU, NT Legal Aid & NAAJA for a day of beauty and chats in Tennant Creek 🗣️   📌 Wednesday 14 October 10.30am to 1.00pm…

New Staff at CAWLS

Over the past three months, our team has strategically expanded to welcome seven new staff, across both our legal and non-legal departments.   👤 Julianna Marshall, CLE & Policy Solicitor Julianna joins the CAWLS team as CLE & Policy Solicitor. Jules moved from Victoria, where she worked in a wide-range of roles including Judicial Education…

‘Worst is yet to come’: Legal services desperate for money ahead of domestic violence wave

📢 Specialist women’s legal services are urgently calling for an extra $25 million a year in next Tuesday’s federal budget. In a letter to the Attorney-General, Women’s Legal Services Australia have also called for the Commonwealth Government to ensure that funding directed towards domestic violence includes funding that is specifically targeted to specialist women’s legal…