NTWLS Advocacy Series | Women’s imprisonment and DFSV

Most women in custody have experienced domestic & family violence ⚖️😔 ‘ANROWS Research Synthesis’ shows there are well-established links between women’s experiences of domestic, family and sexual violence and imprisonment 🚨 Women can become caught in cycles of imprisonment and experiencing violence. Violence increases the risk and effects of imprisonment … and imprisonment increases the…

NTWLS Advocacy Series | Prisoner rates in the NT increased

📃 The Australian Bureau of Statistics released the ‘Prisoners in Australia Report’ last year, showing that within 12 months, the number of female prisoners had increased by 37% 📈😧 🔎➡️ https://ntindependent.com.au/news-brief-prisoner-rates-in-the-nt-increased ⚖️ Central Australian Women’s Legal Service ⚖️ Top End Women’s Legal Service ⚖️ Katherine Women’s Information & Legal Service

‘Women of Steel’ Movie Screening for IWD

🎥 Last week, our CAWLS team were delighted to be invited as guests by the NT Working Women’s Centre, to their IWD celebratory movie screening of ‘Women of Steel‘. 🎞️ ‘Women of Steel‘ is a documentary detailing the strength, resilience and power of a group of women, who fought for women’s equal access to employment…

NTWLS Advocacy Series | DV victims 10 times more likely to suffer multiple legal problems

In 2019, an Australian-first study revealed that victims of domestic and family violence are 10 times more likely than others to experience myriad legal problems such as family, civil & criminal law disputes ⚖️ 🗣️ “Combatting domestic & family violence requires a complex and coordinated response across ALL jurisdictions and human service providers” explains President…