2024 CAWLS Christmas Community BBQ

🌟 Join us for a festive morning at our Annual CAWLS Christmas Community BBQ, THIS Friday 🎄 🎶 We’re firing up the BBQ, turning up the merry tunes & spreading festive cheer for all 🍴 It’s a chance to catch up, connect, and celebrate together as we head into the Holiday Season. Everyone’s welcome –…

16DOA | Children’s Safety

⚠️Trigger Warning: this post contains information on domestic, family and sexual violence and could cause distress 🚨 Every child deserves to feel secure, supported & valued. Together, we can create a safer future for them 🙏 You can help a child feel safe by ⏬ ◼️ Letting them know they are important and loved ◼️…

Territory Women x Reproductive Rights

Together with our sister specialist women’s legal services across the Territory, we stand united in opposing any attempt to undermine the reproductive rights of Territory women 🚨 The 2021 reforms to the Termination of Pregnancy Law Reform Act ensure equitable, safe healthcare access – rights that must be protected ⚠️ 📢 We call on the…

Reinforcing Factors | 16DOA

⚠️Trigger Warning: this post contains information on domestic, family and sexual violence and could cause distress 🚨 Myth Bust 💥 A common misconception is that alcohol drives domestic, family, and sexual violence. Alcohol is not a driver of violence but a reinforcing factor that can worsen violence. Reinforcing factors include ⏬ ◼️ Condoning violence ◼️…

Taking Action Together in the Barkly

👋 Join us next week to acknowledge the ‘16 Days of Activism’ by “Taking Action Together” in the Barkly ✊ This event, hosted by NO MORE AU, CatholicCare NT and the Central Australian Women’s Legal Service, brings our community together to stand against domestic and family violence. 📅 Monday 9 December ⌛ 10:30am – 11:30am…

CLCA State of the Sector 2023-24 Report

🚨 Community Legal Centres Australia‘s ‘State of the Sector 2023-24 Report’ is live 📃 Every day, Community Legal Centres like CAWLS, work to stop legal problems from spiralling into crises. We are on the frontline of domestic and family violence response, a lifeline for remote communities, and a voice advocating for fairer laws ⚖️ 📍…

Coercive Control | 16DOA

⚠️ Trigger Warning: This post contains information on domestic, family and sexual violence and could cause distress 🚨 What is Coercive Control? 💭 Coercive control is a pattern of abusive behaviour used to create fear and take away a victim survivor’s independence and freedom. It’s the foundation of domestic, family, and sexual violence and can…