NTWLS Advocacy Series | Barriers for CALD women accessing appropriate supports

βš–οΈ Women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds can face a range of additional barriers in disclosing family & domestic violence… CALD groups require specific supports, that are often not addressed by generalised strategies πŸ˜” πŸ’‘ ANROWS has collated a range of resources, papers, reports and research projects that explore the barriers to service provision…

NTWLS Advocacy Series | Escaping Violence Payment

Tailored supports to assist women to recover from financial abuse are key to supporting the long-term safety of women & children 🀝 The ‘Escaping Violence Payment’ was launched last year and aims to support existing programs offered by states and territories πŸ’΅πŸ™ βš–οΈ Women’s Legal Services can help you with applications for crisis and support…

NTWLS Advocacy Series | Problematic community attitudes towards violence against women

Community attitudes towards violence against women remain problematic βš–οΈπŸ˜” The ‘2017 National Community Attitudes Towards Violence Against Women’ Survey highlighted that many young people STILL hold attitudes supportive of violence against women 🀯 πŸ“– Read the full report via ➑️ https://ncas.anrows.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2017NCAS-Youth-SubReport.pdf βš–οΈ Central Australian Women’s Legal Service βš–οΈ Top End Women’s Legal Service βš–οΈ Katherine…