Equal Shared Parental Responsibility (ESPR)

CAWLS strongly supports the introduction of a bill to remove the presumption of equal shared parental responsibility (ESPR) from the Family Law Act. Experts have been advocating for the removal of the ESPR and it is time the law caught up to the nuances of domestic and family violence. An overwhelming 60-85% of matters under…

Women have lost jobs faster than men during COVID19, but are getting less assistance

New economic research emerging in the wake of COVID-19, demonstrates that women continue to suffer greater disadvantage in relation to part-time and ongoing employment opportunities due to additional caring responsibilities in the home 😔 🙅‍♀️ Further, women have not had the greater benefit of Government stimulus packages throughout this time, as funding available has disproportionately assisted male-focused…

Review : CAWLS Family & DV Training Delivered Online

Last month, CAWLS Health Justice Partnership Legal Practitioners, Sally & Sophie, delivered training on identifying & responding to family and domestic violence virtually using ‘Zoom’ 💻 This training was a shorter version of CAWLS’ full-day training that is usually delivered quarterly face-to-face, prior to COVID19 👥 Delivering the training via Zoom saw 46 participants join…

Tennant Creek Office Reopen

Excitingly, our Tennant Creek office has now reopened! The COVID-19 Pandemic may have forced a shutdown of our physical office, however, our Tennant Creek legal practitioner, Anisha, continued to work for women from her home office during this period If you are in Tennant Creek and would like to speak with a lawyer, call us…

‘Responding to Family Violence’ | FREE Online Training | 26 June 2020

Now accepting online registrations ▶️ https://bit.ly/2APHzdC CAWLS welcomes the community to join our free training seminar, to gain a deeper insight and knowledge into how to identify domestic violence and respond to disclosures of domestic violence (including referral pathways). Training DetailsDate: Friday 26 June 2020 Time: 9am – 1pm (includes a short break) ✨ Following our…

POSITION VACANT | Receptionist

POSITION VACANT | Receptionist 👩‍💼 🔎 Central Australian Women’s Legal Service Inc. is recruiting for a Receptionist to join our team to provide quality administration services to support the general office functions & our legal team To learn more, please visit ➡ www.cawls.org.au/cawls-employment-opportunities For more information or to submit your application☎️ 08 8952 4055📧 recruitment@cawls.org.au Applications close Sunday 21 June