Territory Women x Reproductive Rights

Together with our sister specialist women’s legal services across the Territory, we stand united in opposing any attempt to undermine the reproductive rights of Territory women 🚨 The 2021 reforms to the Termination of Pregnancy Law Reform Act ensure equitable, safe healthcare access – rights that must be protected ⚠️ 📢 We call on the…

Reinforcing Factors | 16DOA

⚠️Trigger Warning: this post contains information on domestic, family and sexual violence and could cause distress 🚨 Myth Bust 💥 A common misconception is that alcohol drives domestic, family, and sexual violence. Alcohol is not a driver of violence but a reinforcing factor that can worsen violence. Reinforcing factors include ⏬ ◼️ Condoning violence ◼️…

Taking Action Together in the Barkly

👋 Join us next week to acknowledge the ‘16 Days of Activism’ by “Taking Action Together” in the Barkly ✊ This event, hosted by NO MORE AU, CatholicCare NT and the Central Australian Women’s Legal Service, brings our community together to stand against domestic and family violence. 📅 Monday 9 December ⌛ 10:30am – 11:30am…

CLCA State of the Sector 2023-24 Report

🚨 Community Legal Centres Australia‘s ‘State of the Sector 2023-24 Report’ is live 📃 Every day, Community Legal Centres like CAWLS, work to stop legal problems from spiralling into crises. We are on the frontline of domestic and family violence response, a lifeline for remote communities, and a voice advocating for fairer laws ⚖️ 📍…

Coercive Control | 16DOA

⚠️ Trigger Warning: This post contains information on domestic, family and sexual violence and could cause distress 🚨 What is Coercive Control? 💭 Coercive control is a pattern of abusive behaviour used to create fear and take away a victim survivor’s independence and freedom. It’s the foundation of domestic, family, and sexual violence and can…

STEPS x SEE Program Launch

📍 Members of the Central Australian Women’s Legal Service team were proud to attend the offices of STEPS Education and Training in Alice Springs earlier this month, for their ‘SEE (Skills for Education & Employment) Program’ launch. CAWLS wishes the STEPS team all the best as they empower individuals for a brighter future, and wish…

Small Steps: Safer Workplaces Sexual Harassment Conference

📍 CAWLS lawyers Imogen and Katie recently attended the ‘Small Steps: Safer Workplaces Sexual Harassment’ Conference in Nipaluna/Hobart, hosted by the Women’s Legal Service Tasmania Inc. 🗣️ The two-day event brought together a diverse group of legal professionals, advocates, policymakers and others to explore critical issues surrounding workplace sexual harassment and its prevention. Sessions covered…

FLPN Presentation with CAWLS School Lawyer

⚖️ The Alice Springs Family Law Pathways Network (FLPN) brings together support service providers and professionals who assist separating and separated families. By fostering collaboration, the network strengthens relationships between professionals and enhances service delivery for families navigating separation. 🗣️ Recently, CAWLS had the opportunity to present at an FLPN session. Our School Lawyer, Ashleigh,…