⚠️Trigger Warning: this post contains information on domestic, family and sexual violence and could cause distress 🚨
Every child deserves to feel secure, supported & valued.
Together, we can create a safer future for them 🙏
You can help a child feel safe by ⏬
◼️ Letting them know they are important and loved
◼️ Listening with intention and care
◼️ Validating their feelings and emotions
ℹ️ Parentline
A confidential telephone service providing professional counselling and support in the Northern Territory & Queensland
📞 Phone: 1800 301 3008 (8:00am – 7:00pm, 7 days a week)
🌐 Website: https://parentline.com.au/
ℹ️ Raising Children Network
🌐 Website: https://raisingchildren.net.au